When you mirror the model it also mirrors how the surfaces interact with light.For example, the color of the faces seems darker.Right-click on the 'Shell' modifier and click on 'Collapse All'.ģ.4.1: Some faces for a mirrored model do not display correctly: Open the modifier list and add 'Shell' modifier.ģ. Right-click on the model and select 'Convert to Editable Poly'.Ģ. Or in 3ds Max add a 'Shell' modifier to the model:ġ.If you do not have 3ds Max, then you can use the special import option to force the model to be double-sided by adding the suffix '_safemode' to the file name, for example, 'Model_safemode.fbx'.Then right-click on the model, select Object Properties and turn Backface Cull on to see if you need to flip any surfaces manually. Please apply a Reset Xform modifier via the Utilities tab. This is usually because the model has been mirrored or offset procedurally.

External Link: Lime Exporter website (version 2.53 compatible to 3ds Max 2023)ģ.4: Why are some parts of your model flipped, offset or invisible?.

MAX file in Lumion provided that you have installed 3ds Max on your computer. FBX file format followed by the Autodesk Media & Entertainment preset:Ģ.1: Alternatively, import the. 1.1: Select the models you want to export to Lumion and click on:ġ.2: Select the.